Looking back to what IMPACT-Cambodia has been doing during 2014, we are optimistic that we can bring better quality of life for mothers, children, adults, and people who need helps. Please see how IMPACT-Cambodia worked throughout the year. Impact-Annual-Report-2014-2015 EN
The Importance of Ultrasound on Women Health Care
Lvea Em Referral Hospital received a set of cesarean equipment from IMPACT Cambodia and Ultrasound Machine was included in this equipment set. There are 40-50 people receive service from the ultrasound every month. So far, 500 people received service from the ultrasound. 50% of them are pregnant women. Here is the story of one of […]
Water Filters
IMPACT Cambodia has provided 75 water filters to 75 families from 2 villages: 35 water filters for the families in Damnak Reach and 40 water filters for the families in Koh Tamov. These two villages face the difficulties of not having clean water to use compared to other two villages. Damnak Reach is 15 kilometers […]
Makara’s Story
Po Makara, a 12 years old boy who live in Kandal village, Rolous commune, Kandal province. Makara comes to have his ear checked at Chey Chumnas Referral Hospital. This boy has suffered from Chronical Otitis Media since he was a baby but he just experienced pain recently (4 – 5 months). When he was four, […]
Surgical Week
IMPACT Cambodia organised a surgical week in two hospitals in Cambodia. As its new programme, Head and Neck Surgery and Training is being conducted at Preah Ang Duong hospital. Specialist surgeons from IMPACT Foundation Nepal started the Head and Neck surgery from 23rd to 27th March. The team expect to operate Head and Neck cancer […]
1000 Day registration in Barong
Barong is one of the most vulnerable communes that IMPACT Cambodia has selected as a new target area of 1000 Day Programme. It is located in Lvea Em District, Kandal Province. We can see that it is like a small island in the middle of the Mekong River by looking from the distance. At the […]
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