On 09th of June 2014, IC conducted ear screening at Porthiban primary school which is located in Porthiban village, Porthiban commune, Koh Thom district, Kandal province. There were 10 classes with a total number of 475 students and 196 are female. School principal has helped us in identifying those who have hearing problem. 38 children have […]
Inauguration of the Maternity Unit at Peam Oknha Ong
The maternity unit of Peam Oknha Ong referral hospital was inaugurated by Mrs Judi Stagg, Chief Executive of IMPACT Foundation UK on 20th November 2013. The new Maternity Unit has been helped not only the local people but also the people from other villages and neighbouring province. There are 15 to 20 pregnant women per day come […]
Flood Relief in Prek Rey Commune
On Monday 14 October, 3,450 tons of rice, 13 tin fish box, 247 litres of cooking oil, 494 soya sauce, 230 mosquitos nets, six boxes of sops, 247 kg of salt and other goods and clothes for babies were distributed to 247 families in Prek Rey commune, Lvea Em district, Kandal province. IMPACT-Cambodia has implemented […]
Nutrition class in Prek Rey
In Prek Rey commune, Lvea Em district, Kandal province, we have educated nine pregnant women about health care such as hygiene, anemia, prevention of miscarriage, nutrition and encourage the mothers who have babies from zero to six months to have exclusive breastfeeding. Moreover we have established nutrition class which is very important to the mother […]
1000 day registration in Kampong Chhnang
Two new mothers group were established in Melom commune, Melom district, Kampong Chhnang Province. There were 53 pregnant women have registered as new members in 1000 days program. We have explained them about our program and educated them about health care during and after pregnancy, and encouraged them to have prenatal checkup at least four […]
Three days of Health Centre Nurse Training and Ear Screening in Banteay Meanchey
On 12th, IMPACT-Cambodia team in partnership with Preah Ang Duong Hospital leading by Dr. Srey Vanthan to conduct health centre nurse training on ear screening and ear disease such as Acute Otitis Media, Acute Otitis Externa, Chronic Otitis Media with effusion at Banteay Meanchey Health Department who has 20 health centre nurses participated, after the […]
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